Confessions of a Daughter

The things I only tell Jesus, and people who will never know me.

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  • A Promise of Restoration

    “Instead of your shame you shall have double honor…” Isaiah 61:7 TW!! Sexual Abuse S.A strips its victims bare then clothes them in shame. This sort of shame is binding. It’s less like a garment and more like a full body cast, because it is disabling and impossible to remove safely without the assistance of a…

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  • Light By Night

      I often feel a heavy burden, an intense urge, and a great pressure to make sure that the people I love are okay… Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you name it. I know I’m not alone in these feelings. Many of you, even as you are reading, feel that same burden – that same nagging…

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  • Facing My Brokenness

    “Jesus Wept” John 11:35 As if suddenly, I could see my own brokenness. I remember how that moment felt, when the realization hit me. It was a moment of deep anguish and grieving. Brokeness is hard to face because it is hard to look at. The truth is, that those unfortunate events, which have long since…

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